
2019年10月15日—IuseMicrosoftToDo,thoughIdon'tknowifitrequiresanaccount.It'smadebytheWunderlistteamwhichwereboughtupbyMicrosoft.,2023年3月21日—I'vebeenusingamakeshiftto-dolistinOneNote,andit'sworkingokay,butIwouldreallylikeabitmoreoomph.I'velookedatTodoist, ...,2023年5月1日—SoI'mlookingforasoftwarewhereIcouldwritedownmytodolistsandtakingbasicnotes.ItwouldbegreatifIcouldconnectitwithmyPC ...,202...

Is there a good free to

2019年10月15日 — I use Microsoft ToDo, though I don't know if it requires an account. It's made by the Wunderlist team which were bought up by Microsoft.

Is there a to

2023年3月21日 — I've been using a makeshift to-do list in OneNote, and it's working okay, but I would really like a bit more oomph. I've looked at Todoist, ...

Looking for PC and mobile "to do list" software

2023年5月1日 — So I'm looking for a software where I could write down my to do lists and taking basic notes. It would be great if I could connect it with my PC ...

Looking For Win11 Application To View and Edit To

2023年8月27日 — As the title suggests, I am looking for a Windows app which lets me interact with todo list and tasks for the day on the desktop itself.

Microsoft To

r/microsofttodo: Microsoft's todo list app, rants about it, plans and tips to fix issues and how to make the most of its integration with the rest of…

Microsoft To-Do Alternative for Outlook?

2023年9月1日 — What alternative task management app plays best with Outlook for time blocking purposes? Been looking at Todoist, Tick tick, and others.

To-Do list that "pins" to windows desktop?

2016年5月19日 — You can pin any app to the taskbar. Examples: Todoist, Wunderlist, Workflowy, and more. I like Todoist because it's clean and easy to use, and ...

What is your favourite to-do list app and why?

2022年4月25日 — Microsoft Todo is surprisingly good. But I use Todoist myself.

What software do you use in Windows to make a checklist ...

2023年5月31日 — You can use a ToDo-List app. For example Microsoft ToDo or ToDoist: It's basically a Todo list. you will have everything synced and on your PC, ...

Which software + app to use for schedule + Todo list?

2021年12月19日 — I'm a bit simpler. Paper, hand written to do list. Outlook or iCal for calendar. That's it. Sometimes low tech is best tech, but really it's ...